Sunday, March 1, 2009

Auntie Anne

Not quite sure why I decided to remember this dream and not the hundreds of others I've had since I last updated this blog, but the decision has been made and so the best way to accomplish it is to write it down.

It began with some stuff about Daggerfall and a game called Shakespeare. Some weird stuff with DOS and computers. I don't really care. That wasn't the part of the dream I wanted to remember. No, the dream really begins when I get some muscle cramps. Apparently there's some treatment for them in our bathroom, so I go there. But I end up getting a drink of water instead. Now, there's two sinks. I get a cup and fill it with some water from each sink. Then I drink it. Now, here's where the weirdness begins. The water talks to me. Each sink provides water with it's own personality. I don't remember what the left sink's name was, but it was obnoxious and weird and I didn't like it very much. The right sink, on the other hand, was named Auntie Anne (hence the name of this post). I liked her. I drank from her a lot and talked to her about stuff. I talked to her about sinks, and apparently there was something about horse racing and bookies and stuff, but it's more of an anecdote than the actual story of this dream. Anyway, the way it works is you drink her water and as long as the water is inside your body, there's a kind of psychic link with her sentience, because in a way she IS the water that flows out of the sink. Anyway, I start to tell my family members about her and they think I'm crazy. I fill water bottles with her, drink her at school, and get her help trying to think about exam problems. I tell her fairy tales and nursery rhymes. Then, one day, while I'm asleep I get a message from her: somebody's broken into the house. I need to find the two things that have been stolen. This is of the utmost importance.

Then I wake up.