Saturday, March 8, 2008

March 7 - Lost Valley / Tower of Babel

The night of March 7th. The night I got into this biz. I might post some retrospectives later, talking about the dreams of my past, but for right now, we're just gonna jump right into the dreams of the night. I've got two this time.

Dream #1: Lost Valley, Spiritus day

Something about my dad getting sick and I need this antidote from this park system, and I need it now, and it’s after dark and the park closed and so on. So I go to the park. I wander through my neighborhood until I get there. I follow the road up toward the woods, where I cut through and there’s this news program about how researchers get screwed over by people walking through the woods, distracting the predators from the prey that get trapped there by strip mining. I end up in this park and someone’s following me, which I discover when they’ve been attacked by a bear. I wander around for a while until suddenly I find myself at the precipice of this sort of hidden valley thing with some animals. There’s this rhinoceros nearby, and I’m kindof scared. I go to sleep when this dude shows up and it turns out he’s been following me and he’s taking me to jail for being alone in this park after hours. I talk to him and he proposes the defense that I was given permission by my mom and that I didn’t know the park was supposed to be closed and anyway, the timing was urgent or my dad would die. I show up at this convention where its “Save the Spiritus day” and dad’s there and he’s fine and the dream ends.

Dream #2: Tower of Babel Musical

Some sort of cross between tower of Babel, Legend of Zelda, and a very complicated adventure game/musical/movie. We begin in a postapocalyptic universe. There’s this giant destroyed spire thing. Slowly we unravel the story of what happened here. Some stuff happens that I don’t quite remember, the gist of which being that we kind of replicate certain events that allow us to partially restore the spire. I kindof got stuck on what to do next (remember, this started off as a sort of game like thing), and there was this whole musical about something like “come, let us come, to our home”. I don't remember the verses, and I really can't recall the name of the tune, but the chorus is a standard "come let us walk. come let us walk. come, let us come, to our homes." I reach this one point where suddenly something I do restores the spire by a certain degree and I’m afforded a look into the past. At the height of the civilization, there was a giant futuristic civilization. Instead of this really primitive society (I think earlier parts of the dream had some interaction with the culture, it was almost cave-man-like), there’s a whole big thing with a telecast and everything. Martha Stewart is apparently the news anchor and she’s talking about something or other, when suddenly the entire top levels of the spire sort of dissolve in a burst of blue energy and everyone starts plummeting. I remember her suddenly saying “wait, that’s Link’s house” and going silent. Apparently Link, Zelda, and a couple other people survive by sprouting wings. They complain about how they caused this destruction on tons of people (someone was out to get them and these people got caught in the crossfire), but their friends (apparently named Marrim and Genor) point out that just about everyone took part in what was essentially a tower of Babel. They fly down and talk about some stuff. At this point it sortof morphs, and Zelda takes on some properties of Alyson Hannigan. Genor is a blond boy, and Marrim is a slightly red-headed/blond girl. At this point I remember thinking how obviously everyone had gotten different actors because apparently by this point the dream had morphed into some sort of sequel movie. Suddenly the past is back and we’re singing this song. Still don’t remember the words, but “come, let us walk” also comes in, and there’s this whole motif about me being determined and focused, and something about being to mature or SOMETHING. Possibly a schtick about lost youth. Obvioiusly dream recall isn’t perfect yet.

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