Tuesday, March 11, 2008

March 10 - Islam / Hospital

Dream #1: Islam and Politics

Sort of a religious dream, which is weird for me. It begins with me at home in the dark, in a sort of nod to the meta. I wake up, and apparently it’s time to go to school in the morning. I’m following my brother to school, only in my dream my brother isn’t my actual brother, it’s one of my friends from school. They’re running on ahead and I’m desperately trying to keep up. There’s this little interlude where I ask them about their dream, and we talk about how our dreams were about Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton holding an election at a street intersection. Apparently Barack Obama had the vote stolen from under him or something. Anyway, I’m following my brother/friend to school and he’s running on ahead, I yell that he knows I’m not an endurance runner like him, when suddenly he veers off to the side, and then I am suddenly running past my house again, and I go inside, and my parents are there and my brother is playing the piano. I go in and am eating breakfast, and I talk to my parents about church. Apparently it has since become Sunday. I’m apparently raised Muslim in the dream, and I ask whether or not it is typical to ask for forgiveness of transgressions on the “day of divinity”. Apparently it is, and it feels slightly weird to me because of my aforementioned Muslim upbringing. I start to wonder why the heck I dreamt about this practice in my dream, and then I wake up.

Dream #2: Paralysis and Hospital

Don’t remember how this dream started. At some point I find myself on a bus, and apparently I’m like a fugitive or something, because I end up having to use this paralytic on someone and take them onto the bus, but it backfires on me because the paralytic causes them to bleed whenever their muscles shift position and it gets gruesome pretty fast. So I have to take them to the hospital. We drive the bus to the hospital, but it’s not a normal hospital. We enter via the ER entrance and are told that they’ll be people to help carry the person in, but we find ourselves in one of those discount grocery stores with the concrete floor and stuff. We pass through that area and find ourselves in a high school gymnasium. We wander around for a while and get lost looking for the actual hospital area. We find ourselves in this really ruined tumble-down brick place, with pennies taped to the wall for some reason and floors that look like they might collapse at any moment. There’s some holes in the wall that look out onto some very foggy ruins, and I can fly. I fly around for a while and find out that the fog is caused essentially by hot water pipes leaking hot water into the cold winter air, and I kindof scald myself at one point, but that’s about as much of the dream as I remember.

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