Monday, March 31, 2008

March 30 - Blur

Blur is right. I'm reaching the point where I remember a large chunk of dreams each night, but not really the larger context. If you follow along, you'll probably notice me talking about a dream but never really describing how it began, because beginnings are the worst for recall right now. The big problem I'm facing is remembering the context and timeframe. I'm not sure how linear time is in dreams anyway, but it was pretty hard for me to really remember how things fit together last night. I may end up having to swap out the idea of listing "dreams" and just start listing dream concepts some of the time.


Part 1: Flight

Don't remember a lot here. Good old "me flying". I was pretty high in the air. I was apparently flying instead of using these floating funny-shaped stepping stones (they look like your stereotypical ancient ruin). The flight mechanism this time was more of a passive floating type deal (almost like I'm in orbit) rather than the other mechanism I sometimes have where I rotate my arms in funny patterns. That kind is more controlled, whereas this is more like a bird: swooping and stuff.

Part 2: RPG

Remember those films and movies about wilderness survival? Where the protagonist is trapped without contact with anyone and has to live on their own wits in the wild?

Well imagine that. As a computer game (an RPG). Starring Indiana Jones.

Well, I say "Indiana Jones" in a rather loose sense. It was associated with him because the weapons in the game are a gun and a whip. Well, actually there's also a flaming club, not sure what that's about.

I seem to recall it being almost TBS-like. It's an RPG in the sense that you control one character and you make choices and stuff, but it's turn-based. There's resources like wood and food. I kindof think you start out with just your weapons, clothes and a cotton sheet. Trapped under a log that fell on your leg. But then you improve your clothes and sleeping gear and stuff, it's like an RPG in that sense. I kindof think that this wilderness survival thing is sortof the tack-on ending to a larger dream about a platforming game or something. More on that later. But in any case, you get to make a choice early on about whether or not you're going to last the full two weeks before getting rescued or if there's a random chance every day of people finding you.

I kindof think there's some other party members, trading and stuff because I remember this scene where apparently one of your (the protagonist's) friends is dying. This was toward the end. They're dying, and we perform some sort of black arts ritual that turns the protagonist into a mummy while saving the friend. Well, I say mummy becauses that's what it was in the dream. What it looked like was more like the Egyptian god Anubis wearing a really badass black cloak. Apparently the ritual involved a pillar of rock, a coffin, and some weird stuff. Anyway. Shortly afterwards, we get rescued (early). There's this reporter asking us if I'm aware that I'm a mummy (that's why I said mummy earlier).

More about the framing context: I kindof think this was a video game that was being played in a class in college. There was this class I had last semester that was really pathetic in the "why the heck are we doing this in a COLLEGE class? This is the sort of thing you do in middle school" sort of way. Apparently that class was a prerequisite for the Indiana Jones TBS/RPG wilderness survival video game class.

I should point out, of course, that while I'm supposedly playing a video game, there's no computers. Sometimes I'm the protagonist, sometimes I'm watching the protagonist. But I'm always doing it from inside the game world.

Also there's this whole spiel I had about repetitive gameplay, and a scene where we're apparently rafting down a river that's not supposed to exist while being chased by guys with guns. While on this raft we exhibit the old classic, complete lack of traction.

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