Saturday, March 8, 2008

Recollections - Never / Slave Pen / Natives

Well, I already find myself posting more than I thought I would going into this.

It's possible this series will continue if I manage to dredge up more dreams from my past that I remember. In the mean time, I have four that I recall. The first two are from long ago, while the third is quite recent. The fourth is going to be copied from something I wrote a while ago, because I don't actually remember the details anymore.

Dream #1: Never

This dream is likely to be ensconced in my hall of fame as just about the only dream I'll still remember years from now. It begins with me finding myself in a graveyard late at night. There's a bunch of people there, and apparently someone is telling me that it is absolutely crucial that I never touch the tombstones. Sure, easy enough, except there is this tendency for extremely strong winds to blow me right toward them. I'm clinging on to this tree, and at some point in the dream I end up touching the tombstone.

Wham. Suddenly, here I am, with a couple other people, in a different location. It's strange, but the best way to describe it is that I'm floating, essentially, high and off the edge of the map, in a sort of RTS game analogy, looking down at this place I'm told is called Never. I'm told that I'm stuck here for 60 years. Well, needless to say time skipped a bit, but I still vividly recall this scene where I'm climbing a mountain, it's above the tree line, in the snow, and there's this vivid image imprinted in my mind that is highly reminiscent of the Caradhras scene from the Lord of the Rings movie. That's actually about all I still remember, except that the dream pulled a Narnia at the end and I found myself back in the graveyard as if no time had passed.

Dream #2: Slave Pen

Again, there's not a very high detail level. I basically still remember three things. The premise of the dream is that I was captured and put in a slave pen that's actually more like a play pen for babies, and this is all happening during a hymn sing my mom went to. The dream ends when I find this girl who I apparently know very well (despite thinking in my dream that this is my dream and I don't actually know her) taking a shower in a bathroom that's actually more reminiscent of a swimming pool / hot tub.

Dream #3: Natives

There's a little bit more detail on this one, because it was so recent. It began with me being on a bus. I kindof don't remember much of this part, except we're driving down this road (I think we're supposed to be in Florida) and there's this one scene where someone's distracted the driver and it takes me like five seconds to get the driver to notice that he's about to go careening off the road. We end up doing so, but it doesn't matter because apparently we end up on a contingency rail road explicitly for this purpose. You see, apparently this bus is a hitherto unknown bus / train hybrid. We ride this sort of weird switchbacking machine that's supposed to get us back on the road, but eventually we end up just taking the railroad to where we're going. I remember thinking that we were going at 500 miles per hour, despite the fact that trains do not actually go at this speed and that relatively speaking, we weren't going that much faster than the cars on the nearby road. Anyway, at some point this whole thing kindof morphs and I find myself alone on something (not sure if it's still the bus at this point) but the rails have begun sporting a complicated rotating system of wooden gears, and the rails are also wooden and are frequently branching and merging. At some point this morphs again, and now I'm riding more in a ski-lift fashion a cable up in the air. I'm in the woods, and I look over and see a boat full of Native Americans. Suddenly Native Americans burst out of the woods all around me, about to attack. However, suddenly there's this burst of birds everywhere, some of them landing on me, and apparently it's some kind of omen that I'm blessed by the Native American gods and I don't get skewered. I get off this cable thingy and suddenly I'm inside a convention center and everyone is shocked at what just happened a moment ago when I was still in the woods. Various things happen at this point, including a meeting with someone supposedly called "Rand" but looking more like my old boss from my programming internship, and something about my socks and my keychain. The dream kindof dissolves at this point and I don't remember much more.

Dream #4: Time Travel

"It started out innocently enough. Well, sortof. It started out with some people making some weird doohicky, and it turned out to be a shrunken version of a time machine. Someone popped up in it, and they complained quite thoroughly about it being way too small.

But other than the theme of time machines, the rest of the dream was quite different. It was basically about some people trying to create a time machine.

These people find a sort of strange light. Don't ask me how they find this light, since it is abundently clear from the dream that the light is very deep underground. Frankly, it probably was a light in name only. Anyway, they find a light and some globes. They try putting the globes in the light, but things go psycho. They find a couple more lights, still no luck. The lights aren't the RIGHT lights for the globe they have.

And then a weird alien comes down from space. It gets all annoyed at us because we've got an unnaceptably strange galaxy, with (gasp!) a black hole in the middle that's researching the flora and fauna of an obscure planet far from the action of this dream.

Anyway, it gives us a "seed". Apparently we have to use the seed on a NEW light in the far east on a continent we've never heard of. So we go there, and apparently it turns into a Nevada desert with a giant waste dump-like thing. Someone makes a comment about how Nevada deserts seem to always have something to do with major technological breakthroughs. Another person says "duh, look at these robotic probes lying here next to the dump".

Anyway, we put the seed in the dump and a fountain shows up. Then we put the globes in the fountain, and it turns into a time machine.

Unfortunately, the time machine is oriented to face the planet's surface, so we can't use it to travel into outer space. Fortunately, the aliens show back up and help us out.

That's where my absurdly surrealist dream ends."

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