Sunday, March 9, 2008

March 8 - Puppet Masters / Party

So, another day, another pair of dreams.

Dream #1: Puppet Masters

This dream is about a world in which I am apparently alone among a great army of monsters that look like my family and friends. Some stuff happened at the beginning I don’t remember too well, but I do believe that at one point we were at this festival and me and one of my friends were having pretzels. The main “plot” began with me being fed up with one of the people I know in real life when they stole my food and did some other mean stuff. I get home and I want to call the police. However, I discover that my dad is in cahoots with him. When I call the police, though, suddenly a booming voice says something like “You can’t get help in this universe” and my dad comes down the stairs and is talking on the phone about doing something to me. Seems like just about everyone is in on it but me. At this point I think I get taken to this room where I’m supposed to be turned into one of them via some sort of mechanism. I’m told that I failed to be successfully turned in the past apparently because I wasn’t evil enough, and that this transformation is necessary for the smooth running of society. They’re going to try again, though, because apparently I’ve done some evil things recently. So they hand me these tin cans that look like they’re gonna contain some food, but when the label peels off suddenly contact between them and my skin is intensely painful. Apparently the transformation begins when I attempt to stop the pain, but in my dream I’m some sort of weird person who apparently can withstand obscene amounts of pain. So I just hang around holding these tin cans that are giving me an obscene amount of pain. There’s some talking, I don’t remember the details, and then some people come in and talk about how apparently I won a cat in a raffle (a raffle I signed up for in the festival at the beginning of the dream). I’m supposed to go downstairs and get it. I go there, still holding my cans as weapons, and it turns out it’s mostly just a ploy to send an army at me to kill me. I figure this out, and when the army shows up I apply my cans to them but apparently they’re immune to the pain, and indeed, can cause it. This sort of queen woman shows up and I don’t remember the rest of the dream.

Dream #2: Parties

Don’t remember the whole dream. I kindof remember me going through this sort of Zelda-like dungeon crawl to find this white lacy cape that makes you invisible. Unfortunately, it gets stolen by the big bad (who I remember nothing about), and apparently there’s this green cape that can do a lot of freaky stuff like turn you invisible. Then it turns out that the entire white cape thing is a scam, and it’s JUST the green cape that turns you invisible. Apparently we’ve developed this spell that’ll swap the magic cape with a completely identical one with no powers. The bad guys get ahold of the cape and somehow I’m watching them at this party where everyone’s dressed up like stereotypically evil animals and then they start engaging in risqué activities that I really shouldn’t detail. Later there’s this second party with stereotypically good animals, but I end up NOT going to that one because apparently there’s an entry fee. At some point in this whole affair the white cape gets shredded and there’s this test for people, one of whom has some sort of disability that makes them involuntarily kick the desk they’re sitting at. There are these buses and a driver who has this weird name and is your stereotyped big muscled car aficionado.

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