Thursday, March 20, 2008

March 19 - Moon

Quite the dream last night. Another one of those long dreams with the shifting contexts and bizarre twists.

Starts out with some stuff that I don't remember. But then I'm driving in this bus and I start getting this extreme lurching sort of paralysis where unless my joints are all bent at approximately half their capacity TO bend, they lock up and give me extreme pain. So there's this funky scene where a bunch of ambulences show up and do SOMETHING or other with colored hoops, and then the dream takes an abrupt turn for the supernatural.

Turns out there's some force out there giving me this joint problem. There's this cool prophecy that I remember was cool but don't actually remember (it's disappointing how often that happens), and then I get in a fight for this file folder where it's stored. I get it and it turns out that this prophecy comes with pages and pages of rules for some weird game. If I can solve some sort of logical conundrum, I can play the game against someone. If I win, I'm cured, if I lose, I die. It's sort of like a grid-like game with some glyphs and stuff. Apparently I have to jump from square to square in a certain fashion. If I land on certain squares, I gain a certain number of lives. If I land on others, I lose them. I win if I get 7 lives, and lose if I run out. I remember that there was a second player to the game, and yet the rules as I remember it and just told you, you'll notice, have nothing to do with more than one player. Maybe the second player messes around with my movements or something.

Anyway, suddenly this woman shows up. Apparently I'm a woman in this dream, because I have a boyfriend who suddenly starts getting hypnotized into a gullible moron who believes anything this woman says even if it's a blatant lie. So there's this whole scene where me and my boyfriend start not getting along very well. Then, all of a sudden, in a bizarre twist befitting my long line of bizarre dream twists, it turns out this is a role-playing game of some kind, because I suddenly say to my boyfriend something like "Man, this gameplay style is kindof annoying. It mixes IC [in character] with OOC [out of character] and it's hard to tell our real feelings." Something weird like that that made no sense in the previous context of the dream (actually, it doesn't really make sense in the rest of the context of the dream either, come to think of it). Anyway, suddenly my boyfriend starts kissing my arm. It's really bizarre. Anway, I kindof recall getting married at this point and then we take our honeymoon on the moon.

So we end up on the moon, right? So there's these little green bugs or something fleeing in droves from this forest. We ask the bugs where we should be going, and then the bugs tell us to follow the RED bug who's walking backwards. Anyway, we do that and we reach the forest. Apparently the forest is the power source for this bad guy that was giving me this lurching paralysis that mysteriously got cured despite me actually not having gone through the supposedly required hoops.

Anyway, there's this really awesome music playing in the background (yup, my dreams have a soundtrack). I don't remember much of it, but it kindof reminds me of the musical style of the Rohan theme from the Lord of the Rings movie, or else the musical style of the dude who composed for Firefly. Anyway, I throw this match at the forest, it lights on fire, and I wake up.

Freud would have fun with this one. I mean, I'm a girl in it. With a boyfriend. But Freud is a pathetic nutjob.

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